
National Adolescent Health Month Outreach Toolkit

A communication tool for youth serving organizations in Georgia to promote awareness of minors rights to medical services during National Adolescent Health Month™, and throughout the year.

Georgia Minor Consent Laws

The state of Georgia allows minors (anyone under the age of 18) to access certain confidential medical services related to achieving or preventing pregnancy, STI testing and treatment, including HIV, and substance abuse treatment with or without parental consent. O.C.G.A. § 31-9-2  (Achieving or Preventing Pregnancy and Childbirth Services)O.C.G.A. § 31-17-7 (Confidential STI & HIV Testing and Treatment Services)O.C.G.A. § 37-7-8  (Substance Abuse Services)

Minors Access to Medical Services Fact Sheet

Important facts for minors and healthcare providers in Georgia detailing which medical services minors have the right to access with or without parental consent.

The National Coalition for Sexual Health (NCSH)

Is a thriving coalition with over 100 members working together to improve the sexual health of Americans nationwide.

HRSA Maternal & Child Health Hotline

Frequently Asked Questions About the National Maternal Mental Health Hotline


Includes information on your right to access care and have it covered by your insurance or other health care coverage if you have it, where to go if you don’t have coverage, and how to get information if you don’t know.

Office of Civil Rights

Enforces federal civil rights laws that prohibit discriminatory restrictions on access to health care. If you believe that your or another person’s civil rights or health information privacy rights have been violated, you can file a complaint with HHS

U.S. Department of Justice

The U.S. Department of Justice is working to protect access to reproductive health services under federal law.